Lockyer Valley Action Weekend 2-3rd May2009

Well, after promising to keep my blog up to date in the last post, I'm now promptly 6 weeks (at least!!) behind again. At least I have the excuse that we have been REALLY busy though May and June which has been fantastic, but has meant things like blogging (and Facebook!) have gotten behind. I'll start my catch-up with the Lockyer Valley "Action" weekend held over the long weekend at the start of May. The local council and event coordinators had ensured a really great mix of activities and events were staged over the weekend with activities as diverse as the Heavy Horse Field Days and Emu Gully's new "Air and Land Spectacular" featuring re-enactments of historic battles. There was also action at the local turf club and a "live" day at the local historic village. We were covering this as part of our on-going contract with the LVRC and managed to have a really good time too...

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